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اقدم لكم برنامج AutoCad الرائع باصداره الاخير
Autodesk AutoCad 2008
State-of-the-art technologies and new features of Autodesk® VIZ-3D modeling, rendering, and animation software-enable you to explore concepts, validate strategy, and communicate design intent with power, versatility, and stunning realism. Enhanced interoperability with other Autodesk® design applications and new tools for creating and managing content, such as tool palettes and a new content browser for cameras, lights, and materials, make creation more streamlined than ever. So whether you're studying lighting for a building project, analyzing the layout of a highway interchange, or demonstrating a complex mechanical assembly, Autodesk VIZ is a tool your design process can't afford to be without.
Autodesk® VIZ software helps architects and designers visualize concepts and propel projects. With the creation of rich, visually informed contexts for their ideas, architects and designers can test theories and resolve issues, as well as create stunning marketing presentations. The ideal companion to Autodesk® AutoCAD®, AutoCAD Architecture, and Revit® software, VIZ enables the creation of intuitive, efficient, realistic experiences.
Bring design data to life by creating walk-through or fly-by animations with a rich modeling, rendering and animation toolset that is an ideal companion with other industry-standard Autodesk software solutions.
Autodesk VIZ software accommodates the level of visual representation you require–from real-time studies, to photorealistic virtual prototypes, to compelling multimedia presentations.
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http://rapidshare.com/files/26156761/Autocad.part01.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/26212531/Autocad.part02.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/26237107/Autocad.part03.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/26246877/Autocad.part04.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/26257893/Autocad.part05.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/26265975/Autocad.part06.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/26288979/Autocad.part07.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/26319859/Autocad.part08.rarملاحظه : لتحويل البرنامج الى نسخه كامله
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